
13 Surprising Insights About Owning a Great Dane

Hello there, Harry here! As a veterinary student and pet owner, I've grown quite fond of the gentle giants of the dog world—the Great Danes. Today, I want to share with you 13 things about Great Danes that you might not know before bringing one into your life. These aren't the typical facts like their towering size, voracious appetites, or potential health issues. No, these are the quirky, intriguing tidbits that only Great Dane owners or those who've spent a significant amount of time with them would truly understand.

1. The Symphony of Flatulence

First up, let's talk about flatulence. While it's no secret that big dogs tend to eat more, what may come as a surprise is the frequency and intensity of a Great Dane's gas. Whether they're strolling through the house or napping, their rumblings can be both amusingly loud and a bit smelly. If you cherish fresh air, be forewarned: a Great Dane just might clear your room with their impressive emissions.

2. No Privacy in the Bathroom

Have you ever craved some privacy in the restroom? With a Great Dane, you can kiss that solitude goodbye. These affectionate canines have a curious tendency to follow their owners everywhere, including into the bathroom. It seems they just love being with their humans, regardless of what awkward moments it may bring.

3. The Verbal Virtuosos

Beyond their size and silent-but-deadly presence, Great Danes are also unexpectedly vocal. They're not just limited to barks; they produce an array of grumbles, whines, and soulful songs. These sounds are part of their unique way to communicate and bond with you. If you've ever wanted a dog that 'talks' back, a Great Dane might be your perfect match.

4. Gentle Giants with Startling Fears

Despite their formidable appearance, Great Danes can be scaredy-cats at times. They may be startled by the oddest things, like shadows at night or inflatable Halloween decorations. Their fears can be both endearing and amusing, especially considering their colossal stature.

5. The Wholesome Addiction

If you fall in love with these gentle giants, be prepared: One Great Dane will never be enough. Once you experience the joy and companionship they bring, you'll likely find yourself yearning for another…and then another. It's a wholesome addiction that only grows with each new addition to your family.

6. Couch Companionship and Furniture Choices

Since Great Danes enjoy spending quality time on the couch with their humans, your choice of furniture and its arrangement at home may change. A practical tip for future Great Dane owners: Leather may become your fabric of choice—it withstands wear and tear much better than cloth when it comes to a lounging Dane.

7. The Drool Dilemma

Now, about the drool. Yes, Great Danes can produce quite a bit of it, which means you'll be adopting new slobber management techniques. From strategic mat placement to meticulous cleanup routines, preparedness is key. And remember, drool doesn't discriminate—it can and will land everywhere!

8. Thirst That Knows No Bounds

Great Danes also have a seemingly unquenchable thirst, often needing their water bowls filled multiple times a day. If your Great Dane doesn't have enough water, they might just stage a sit-in until you rectify the situation. So, keep that water bowl full—you don't want to interrupt their meal times!

9. Public Outings with a Celebrity

If you're a private person, brace yourself. Taking a Great Dane out in public is akin to walking with a celebrity; people will stop you for questions and petting sessions. While it's a charming aspect of owning a Great Dane, it does mean that outings can take longer than expected.

10. Rainy-Day Reluctance

When it rains, don't expect your Great Dane to be eager to romp in the puddles. Many of them despise getting wet and might need some encouragement—or your company—to brave the rain for a bathroom break.

11. Beware the Wagging Tail

Watch out for their tails! They're not only long and strong but also at the perfect height to make an unwary human wince in pain when caught in a tail-wagging episode. Great Dane tails come with a happy but hazardous warning label.

12. The 'Dane Person' Phenomenon

Owning a Great Dane can turn you into the 'Dane person'. Much like the 'crazy cat lady' stereotype, you may find yourself becoming a beacon for other Great Dane enthusiasts, eagerly swapping stories and tips with fellow owners. It becomes a passion, a lifestyle even.

13. Love Beyond Prediction

Last but not least, prepare to fall deeply in love with your Great Dane. Whatever amount of affection you predict, it will pale in comparison to the bond that you'll actually develop with these incredible dogs. Their loving nature and ability to give snugly hugs are unmatched.

Share Your Great Dane Stories!

Now, this list is by no means exhaustive, and I'd love to hear about the unique quirks you've discovered with your own Great Danes. Feel free to share your funny and heartwarming stories with the PetsFI community.

If you've found this post enlightening and enjoyable, don't forget to follow PetsFI for more interesting and informative posts like this. Until next time, embrace the love and joy Great Danes bring into our lives!

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