
A Complete Guide to Superfoods For Your Beloved Canine

Hi, friends! It's Matt here with a very special blog post for all the dog owners out there. Having years of experience with house pets, I passionately believe that a proper diet can enhance your dog's health considerably. That's why today, we're discussing superfoods that can greatly impact your dog's overall wellbeing. From improving their mobility, enriching their skin health, enhancing their dental hygiene to possibly helping them live longer, let's explore how adding the right foods to your pet's daily diet can make a world of difference!

Lifespans & Food: The Connection

Over the years, veterinarians worldwide have noticed a decline in dog longevity. In the 1970s, certain breeds, such as golden retrievers, had a lifespan of up to 17 years. Unfortunately, today, that number has dropped alarmingly to as low as ten years. After thorough research and consultation with renowned veterinarians and pet health experts, food has emerged as a significant contributor to this sad change.

Avoid Bad Ingredients in Dog Food

Firstly, it's crucial to avoid harmful ingredients in your dog's food. For instance, meat by-products, a term for carcass remnants such as beaks and feathers, are certainly not beneficial for your pet. Also, many kibbles and canned foods are cooked at high temperatures leading to the formation of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs).

AGEs can cause a chain of health issues in dogs, from inflammation, discomfort in joints, allergies, itchy skin to mushy poop, and increased cancer risk. Unfortunately, dog food companies don't have to list 'AGEs' on the label as it's a byproduct of high heat cooking. Hence, as responsible dog parents, it falls on us to shield our beloved furry pals from such harmful components.

Get Superfoods into Their Meal Plan

Moving on to our second quintessential tip for enhancing canine health: introducing superfoods into their diet. Canine superfoods offer a host of health benefits, from improved digestion and calmer moods to better mobility for older dogs and healthier body weight. Below are some of my favorites –

1. Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are packed with Omega-3 fatty acids, which can significantly support a dog's mobility, especially if they have achy joints. They're also great for skin health, blood circulation, heart health, and kidney function. Moreover, flaxseeds are a good source of fiber, promoting healthy digestion.

2. Turmeric

The age-old remedy, turmeric, contains curcumin - a mighty polyphenol known to enhance dogs' overall health. It helps to naturally fight harmful free radicals and offers health benefits like supporting heart health, strong bones, and maintaining a healthy weight.

3. Lion's Mane Mushrooms

Uniquely, Lion’s Mane supports not only the body but also the brain of your dog! Various studies have proven its role in boosting brain function, nerve cell health, memory, mood, and cognitive issues as your dog ages. Furthermore, Lion's Mane is a potent immune booster and essential for dogs prone to sickness.

Despite their numerous benefits, remember to keep your dog's meal proportionate and well-balanced. It's also important that you don't alter their food abruptly.

A Convenient Solution

Understandably, buying, prepping, and freezing all the raw materials could be labor-intensive. That's why for easy and hassle-free feeding, I recommend a nutritious blend of 33 potent superfoods, constituting vitamins, nutrients, prebiotics, proteins, and more. This perfect blend can significantly enhance your dog's health in myriad ways. Plus, it requires no refrigeration and is clean to the touch.

In conclusion, what we feed our furry friends can directly affect their health and happiness. Owning a dog is a responsibility and privilege. The joy they bring into our lives is immeasurable, and they completely depend on us for their wellbeing, whether we realize it or not. Let's take this responsibility very seriously, ensuring their meals are not just filling but also enriching.

Stay tuned to our blog PetsFI for more interesting and informative posts like this one. Don't forget to follow us to make sure you don't miss out!

Take care of your dogs, and remember, their health is in your hands.

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