
A Healthy and Versatile Meal for Your Dog

Hello fellow pet enthusiasts! Today, I am thrilled to share a fabulous recipe for a really healthy, everyday dog food that has proven to be a hit with my furry friends. Here at PetsFI, we ensure all our meal recipes provide the essential day-to-day nourishment your pet requires without overloading them with nutrients they don't need daily. If you enjoy this post, make sure to follow PetsFI for more amazing pet-centric content like this one!

A Standard Everyday Nutrition Loaded Dog Meal

The ideology behind this recipe revolves around the thought of feeding our dogs the same as we would any mammal, in a more natural form rather than bombarding them with every nutrient possible in a single meal. This meal primarily uses items that you can easily find around your home.

Assembly Time: Ingredients and Directions

You may not readily have liver at home, but I highly recommend having some on standby. It acts as the multivitamin in this recipe, but the absence of it doesn’t ruin the meal. It just converts it into a quick recipe you can feed your dog maybe once or twice a week. You'd ideally want to serve this recipe around three to four times per week. However, variation in ingredients is crucial to ensuring balanced nutrition.

Cooking Procedure:

First, boil some water. As it’s boiling, chop your raw meat into small chunks. For this particular recipe, I used two chicken breasts. Chicken as a lean meat goes well with some healthy oils. Highly recommended are Extra virgin olive oil, Hemp seed oil, Coconut oil, or MCT oil.

Next comes your multivitamin, the chicken liver. Chop a couple of livers into small pieces. Once your water is boiled, toss in all the meat, and let it boil for about 5 to 7 minutes.

Parallelly, grate some vegetables. For unavoidable sized chunks that aid in nutrient absorption, I suggest using a carrot and a chunk of broccoli. A finely grated mash helps the dog break down the vegetable and extract nutrients more efficiently.

After sieving out the meat (it should be warm), mix in the grated veggies. Time for the remaining ingredients - Add in an egg, and keep the crushed egg shell as a source of calcium. Those who follow raw feeding, a small bone like a chicken wing or a small duck neck per 500 grams of food, will ensure you're getting the balance of calcium correct.

Add in a source of fat as it’s lean meat– for this meal, I used extra virgin olive oil. Mixing in a bit of healthy carbs occasionally is another excellent idea. A bit of cooked sweet potato, for example, could do wonders, but only a few times a week, making it no more than 15 to 20 percent of the meal.

For a final touch, there's a special meal topper, comprising herbs like thyme and sage, which are not only nutritious but also potentially stimulate your dog's senses. This supplement I specifically chose includes ingredients like pumpkin seeds, thyme, cranberry, reishi mushroom, nettles, and seaweed. A potent mix that boosts the meal’s overall nutritional profile.

Once all mixed, all that’s left to do is plate up. Add in some leftover sweet potato or whole grain rice for a little variety. For extra health benefits, you can include a bit of sardine in water as a fish-based omega-3 source. And voila! Your super healthy, easy to make, and delicious dog meal is ready.

Closing Thoughts

Remember, your dog doesn’t need a complete meal every single day. Moderation and variety are crucial. Such a meal as I’ve shown today is delightful, rich in vital nutrients, and simple to make. Your furry friend is bound to love it. Please follow PetsFI for more posts like this and happy pet parenting!

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