
Nutritional Truths About Dog Food Ingredients

As dedicated pet owners, we all strive to give our canine companions the best when it comes to their diet. With shelves stacked high with countless dog food options, understanding what's truly beneficial for our pets requires a deeper dive into the ingredients that make up their meals.

Demystifying Chicken By-Product Meal

Today, we demystify a common ingredient listed on dog food packaging: chicken by-product meal. It's crucial to understand why this component, often misunderstood, might be better for your dog than the seemingly superior "real chicken."

First off, let's break down what chicken by-product meal actually is. Contrary to popular belief, it's not just a collection of unwanted scraps. Chicken by-product meal consists of the parts of a chicken that are highly nutritious but not typically consumed by humans. This includes the neck, head, viscera, meat, and bones. What you won't find are feathers, beaks, or feet.

Chicken vs. Chicken By-Product Meal: A Nutritional Comparison

How does this compare to products listing "chicken" as their primary ingredient? The term "chicken" in the context of pet food labeling can mean any combination of flesh, skin, and bones, which isn't necessarily the choicest cuts. Therefore, the "chicken" listed might not be what you envision. More importantly, standard chicken has a high water content, approximately over 70%, which drastically reduces its volume after processing into dry dog food. Conversely, chicken by-product meal is 95% dry matter, meaning far more of it makes it into your dog's food bowl and provides them with a richer source of concentrated nutrition.

Understanding Ingredient Rankings

Another significant aspect to consider is the pre-processed volume contributing to the order of ingredients listed on labels. An ingredient's ranking is determined by its weight before being prepared for inclusion in the final product. Consequently, regular chicken, heavy due to water content, frequently appears at the top. Yet, as we now know, most of that weight evaporates. In contrast, when chicken by-product meal is the primary ingredient, you can be confident that you're actually getting more chicken substance in the food, as it retains its weight through the production process.

The Nutritional Powerhouse of Chicken By-Product Meal

Nutritionally speaking, the guts or viscera of chicken, included in the by-product meal, are extremely rich in nutrients. Predatory animals naturally gravitate toward these parts for sustenance. This makes chicken by-product meal a protein powerhouse that offers a broad spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals crucial for your dog's health.

Digestibility: A Key Factor

Finally, digestibility is a pivotal factor in evaluating the quality of dog food. The lower the ash content, the more digestible the food tends to be. Chicken by-product meal has a very low ash content, boosting its digestibility. This concept is vital for pet owners to grasp because digestibility directly relates to how well your dog can absorb the nutritious ingredients in their food.


To sum up, chicken by-product meal is a misunderstood hero in the pet food world. It delivers more meat, enhances nutritional value, and provides superior digestibility compared to regular chicken in dog foods. Let's set aside the marketing fluff and focus on what offers the best for our pets' health: a balanced, nutrient-dense diet rich in quality ingredients.

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